Philly Bongole Lutaaya – Video Playlist

Philly Bongoley Lutaaya was a Ugandan musician who was the first prominent Ugandan to give a human face to HIV/AIDS. He became a national hero because he was the first Ugandan to declare that he was HIV – positive. That was in 1988, when HIV still carried a lot of stigma.

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Gloria – Philly Lutaaya (2012)

Christmas song written and performed by Philly Lutaaya 1988

Alone and Frightened – Philly Bongoley Lutaaya (2008)

A song about AIDS.He was the first prominent African to stand up and give the disease a face

Philly Lutaaya singing Tumusinze (2009)

Philly Lutaaya singing Tumusiize Alone Philly Lutaaya Alone Philly Lutaaya Uganda Music AIDS Africa AIDS Philly Lutaaya: Kampala Support the Lutaaya legency buy his music!!!! Gwe Wange Diana Philly Lutaaya Empisazo Zikyueseko PHILLY LUTAAYA UGANDA Zzukuka Genda Jjali Philly Lutaaya Alone Empisazzo Anifa Kampala Sente Philly Lutaaya Tumusiize anifa Kampala diana born in africa Philly […]

Philly Lutaaya – Zukuka, (Get on Up) 2012

“Zukuka” (Get on Up) From the Christmas album of 1988 “Tumusinze” Written and performed by Philly Lutaaya

Philly Lutaaya – Merry Xmas (2010)

A christmas song written and performed by Philly B. Lutaaya 1988  